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Performance goals for employees examples

Setting performance goals for employees is an appropriate way to ensure that staff are aligned with the overall direction of the organisation and share a sense of ownership in the process of delivering on the firm’s ambitions. Research shows that a collaborative process of setting goals involving managers and employees has an important impact on individuals’ productivity.

There are different frameworks available for setting performance goals for employees, such as OKRs and SMART Goals. Shared features of these schools are that goals shall be ambitious, measurable, correctly formulated, transparent and have a deadline. For the best result, employee performance goals should be defined only in a broad sense and provide for directional help, rather than comprise an exercise in micromanagement where the specific tasks to reach the goal in question are spelled out. Examples of such, measurable employee performance goals include:

  • Goal: Increase productivity. Deliverable: Reduce average delivery time to clients to 5 hours per project in Q4 2020 vs. Q4 2019.
  • Goal: Enhance profitability. Deliverable: Secure $500,000 in client up-selling per month in H1 2021.
  • Goal: Improve customer satisfaction. Deliverable: Reduce customer churn to 3% per quarter during 2021.
  • Goal: Grow market share. Deliverable: Generate 10 potential client leads each week in Q4 2020.

Sign up to Pembio for access to a tool that helps you and your colleagues to define goals relevant to yourselves and your organisation.

By: Johan Flodgren

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The goal planning app that will skyrocket your productivity

A brand new productivity app - empowering you, or your entire team, to get the most important work done with stunningly simple goal planning.

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