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Manage goals efficiently

According to John Doerr, one of the most respected thinkers on goal-setting and execution of our time, “ideas are easy, execution is everything.” What this means in practice is that a goal is just the starting point, and that a goal itself is worth quite little if you don’t have a clear plan as to how to reach that goal.

It is therefore crucial that you carefully manage both the goal setting process itself but also continuously evaluate the work you put in towards fulfilling your ambition in a structured process. A key component hereof is to regularly monitor the progress, e.g. through using effective communication channels such as daily stand-ups and weekly meetings to gauge the status of various workstreams. Through regular interaction with everyone involved in working towards one or several goals, you can better ensure that the correct amount of resources and support is available at all times, and that everyone focuses their efforts on the tasks which really matter, which increases the likelihood of a solid goal-attainment and a successful outcome.

Bolstering your team’s or organisation’s goal-setting, execution, monitoring and follow-up abilities by way of acquiring a specific digital tool will greatly improve the process from start to end and enhance the output of your organisation. It is important that such a tool supports you through the entire process, from goal setting through to complete analysis when the efforts to reach the goal(s) have concluded, so that real learning and data-based feedback can be used as guidance for future planning.

Check out Pembio if you would like to further explore a leading tool to help you set course for your next big achievements.

By: Johan Flodgren

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