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Set goals for customer service

All departments and teams in an organisation should set goals for their activities. Setting goals helps you keep track of what you want to achieve, and research confirms that benefits of goal setting include establishing a higher performing professional culture and more satisfied workforce. It is also important to contextualise the framework within which the goal in question exists. Thus, whilst actions taken to enhance customer service may be very specific, it is necessary to also remember why these measures are taken.

For example, an organisation may state the overarching goal pertaining to customer service as being:

  • Make our customers happy

With this goal serving as the guiding direction for all customer service work, specific measures in achieving it may include milestones/Key Results such as:

- Reduce first response time to one hour for incoming emails
- Solve all customer service matters within 12 hours from receipt
- Add a chat function to our homepage

To even further increase the chances of success in achieving the overall goal on the basis of your Key Results, you should confine your work to a specific timeframe to create a healthy sense of urgency. The same Key Results, with a timeframe layered on top, could thus look like this:

  • Reduce first response time to one hour for incoming emails by 28 February 2021
  • Solve all customer service matters within 12 hours from receipt by the end of Q1 2021
  • Add an FAQ page to the website containing the 100 most common questions from customers by 31 January 2021

Check out Pembio for a ready-to-use tool that helps you and your team implement a structured goal setting process.

By: Johan Flodgren

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The goal planning app that will skyrocket your productivity

A brand new productivity app - empowering you, or your entire team, to get the most important work done with stunningly simple goal planning.

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