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cover for: Nutrition



The SMART goal framework is a useful framework for planning, structuring and executing work towards a specific goal for Nutrition. It is a user-friendly methodology, in that it instructs which aspects of a goal and associated milestones should be included, and how these should be formulated to have best effect. This combination makes the SMART framework very powerful and significantly increases the chances of the goal at hand actually being reached.


  • Eat entirely plant-based meals for dinner for the next six months.
  • Swap sweets and biscuits for fruits and nuts as snacks during january.
  • Exclude red meat from diet in the first quarter
  • Drink alcohol a maximum of two times per month until 31 June.

The smart method

A goal will only qualify as SMART if all aspects are fulfilled. When correctly formulated, SMART goals ensure that you:

The acronym for smart:

  • S - (Specific): Have a clear direction of where you are heading
  • M - (Measurable): Can assess the outcome of your efforts
  • A - (Achievable): Work towards a realistic ambition
  • R - (Relevant): Focus resources on the correct tasks
  • T - (Time-bound): Feel an appropriate sense of urgency