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The productivity app for you, or your entire team, to get the most important work done with stunningly simple goal planning.

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We get it. You use other apps.

There are tons of great apps out there, and we’re here to make the transition smooth for you. Pembio rooms support 3rd party integration, either for you to completely switch to a Pembio-only workflow - or even a synchronized workflow between other apps you use outside of Pembio.

Pembio integration with Todoist


This integration allows you to have continuous access to your todoist tasks. You can also use this integration to import your tasks, categorized into Pembio rooms.

Pembio integration with Trello


By connecting Pembio with Trello, you’ll be able to take control of your cards and save time by bringing it all together in one app. This integration helps you easily import trello cards into Pembio, so you can stay on top of what you need to get done without clicking back and forth.

Pembio integration with Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Import your google calendar events to your room.

Pembio integration with Asana


Bring in entire Asana projects into Pembio.

Pembio integration with Wrike


Connect Pembio with your Trello boards and you’ll be able to take control of your cards and save time by bringing it all together in one app.

Pembio integration with Monday

Integrate your Pembio rooms with Sync your tasks to stay up-to-date on changes made in Monday without ever leaving your Pembio room.

Ready for the switch?

Take your first step towards a more goal-focused workflow. It's free.

Try for free

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© 2023 Pembio AB. All rights reserved.

Built with lots of love in Sweden. We're deeply passionate
about building the best productivity tool out there.

Org nr: 559274-5375 (SE).

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